Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Global Food Crisis

The global food crisis is starting to be covered more in the news:
People who already struggled to feed their families three years ago are having to pay twice as much for food staples. The World Bank has said, "If left unchecked, global food shortages could set the world back seven years in the fight against extreme poverty."

I took action with the ONE Campaign and you can too, here:

You can also take action with Oxfam:


John (Juancito) Donaghy said...


I just posted something on the food criss on my blog. Thanks for your notes.

John Donaghy

Wendy said...

Hi Josh,

Thanks a lot for the comment, it brightened my morning! It's lovely to hear someone who is doing the nitty gritty work say that what I'm doing is important, while I'm sitting in my air conditioned office wondering if I really am improving anything :)